Culture Transformation done differently

Culture transformation. Done differently.

We empower leaders to unlock innovation and performance by nurturing collaborative cultures grounded in emotional intelligence, psychological safety and trust.


Bringing people together — in purpose, values and culture — gives you the most powerful, most creative team.

People start out wanting to do their best and feel that they belong, but if they don’t feel heard or valued, it’s disastrous for the individual and costly for the organisation. We help you understand what’s going on, identifying the unseen or unspoken blockers preventing individuals and their teams from aligning, collaborating, innovating and succeeding.

Decades of front line senior leadership experience in highly competitive businesses makes us different from other change consultancies — we think and act like advisers not like an agency, so instead of focusing on ‘the message’ we get to the heart of things to enable real change.

 we’ll help you:

  • Lead

    Transformational leadership

  • Drive

    Inspiring and enabling performance

  • Collaborate

    Building alignment through authentic connection

  • Include


    Diversifying perspectives to help all see more clearly

  • Create

    Building curiosity, courage and conviction to unlock innovation

Transforming cultures through engaging hearts and minds – changing mindsets, beliefs, behaviours and attitudes

  • We help organisations, teams and individuals explore, define and fulfil their purpose and potential – honestly, openly and in congruence with their values and ethics.

  • We enable high performance cultures through organisational psychology and culture change consulting and advisory services, one on one and team senior leadership coaching, and masterclasses.


Why trust us

Decades of experience as senior leaders in finance, strategy, mergers and acquisitions, and diversity and inclusion, as well as accredited training as executive coaches, psychologists, and psychotherapists has enabled us to deliver remarkable culture change and behavioural shifts which have improved thousands of lives.


What People Are Saying

“I approached Dan as our business was about to embark on a new venture and further expansion. Not only was Dan instrumental in the strategic planning of this venture, but he was able to identify personal self-sabotaging behaviours and offered detailed solutions when these situations arise. Dan is extremely warm and caring; you truly feel like you are speaking with a close friend—a friend who brings strong objectivity and tremendous depth of experience.”

— International menswear entrepreneur

“Working with Carolyn has been a revelation. At last, someone who has genuinely new thoughts and ways to move your brain into different spaces. She guides you, clearly, to the place where you are able to make difficult or unusual decisions. She is now a vital part of my business team.”

— CEO, Performing arts school

“Dan has challenged me to think differently. His emotional intelligence is exceptional — he quickly got to understand me as an executive and a person, but also was always quick to understand situations and put himself in my shoes, or the shoes of others, and understand their motives”

— SVP, Hollywood film studio, Los Angeles

Who we have helped